“Sticks and stones can break my bones,
But names will never hurt me.”
Did you know that’s a lie? I expect you do understand it, in the natural and even as it affects the spiritual side. I could give so many examples it would take piles and piles of “paper” to cover the main ones. However, one in particular has stuck in my head since I was in Soroti in January, ‘04.
I was in the ministry office one day, working by myself, and one of my favorite pastors came in. Pastor Job w

While he was there he asked me how I was involved in spiritual warfare and I told him that I did what is sometimes referred to as spiritual mapping or what I often refer to as spiritual/historical research. So he asked for more information and I spent a bit of time talking about how important it can sometimes be to dig through the layers in sensitive geographical locations to see what the issues’ root source might be.
I told him that, for instance, I recognize that the fights between his tribe, the Ateso, and his neighboring tribe, the Karamojong, seems to have been going on for a long time. I knew the Karamojong are “cousins” to the Masai in Kenya – they have a couple of the same thoughts, among which is that “all the cattle in the world belong to us” so they feel free to steal from everyone and kill anyone in the way or who attempts to interfere with them as they “restore” the cattle to themselves.
Job nodded his head and told me where the division between their two tribes occurred, although they didn’t know exactly when it happened. Unlike the majority of Uganda, where most of the tribes are Bantu... language and customs are similar to that overall ethnicity ... the Karamojong and Ateso originate in northeast Africa, and are from the Nilotic ethnic group. When they were migrating southwest, out of the Ethiopian area, their group came to a point of division. The older folks/older generation said they needed to stop moving onward. The younger generation said they needed to go further. The older ones called the younger ones something similar to “stupid kids” and the young ones called the older ones “cowards.”
They split and the animosity has stayed in place for hundreds of years. Killings, invasions, theft, hatred have been active.
In the mid-1990s a YWAM leader was sharing the gospel in the Karamojong region and some of them came to the Lord. One man was quoted as saying, with a bit of surprise and totally new thinking, “Oh, now I know we are not allowed to kill people.”
The Teso are not as violent, overall, as the Karamojong, but when I was there to help in the rebel situation, the Teso mili

A British doctor had lived up in northeast Uganda in the Karamojong district for about ten years. He told Dave and I some funny stories. Although he had been there for a fairly long time, he mostly felt forced to leave and come to the Kampala area because it was just too dangerous for his family. When they went out for a “safari” on Sunday afternoons [which in its colloquial definition simply means taking a Sunday family drive – nothing such as we see in movies], they would sometimes be shot at while the K.s were target practicing. The K.s often were seen nude and wandering around villages carrying AK-47s.
Anyhow, one of the suggestions I made to Pastor Job was that, even though they couldn’t change the names of their tribes, the Christians in the tribes could meet and repent for the curses attached to the names and seek forgiveness from each other and ask the Lord to redeem the negative actions and traditions and show them ways for active reconciliation and bring this hundreds-years antagonism to a halt.
We discussed this from several standpoints for about an hour. When he was leaving, Job said, “I thought I was coming here just for the money; that is not why I was to come. This is one of the most important spiritual lessons I have ever heard.”
I’ve often wondered where things went... Job and I have lost contact. But we had a great deal of respect for each other.
Think about how this might fit into your family, neighborhood, region, nation. I believe very strongly that it is the truth. It’s a huge battle we must keep in mind.
That's a LOT of reading (honestly, sometimes, I don't have time to read longer posts) but the gist is so true how just one little thing can cause such a great problem.
ReplyDeleteI am AMAZED! I just looked at this for a reason to slide it to my other caryjo-roadrunner, b/c I hadn't added anything to this for 3 years. And the reason I gave up, is b/c I didn't want to start some fights. This just broke into my heart, and I might have a reason to keep moving forward with it. Thank you so much!!! And email me on the side any time there's a question/issue. I'm filled with grinning joy.
DeleteI agree...it is important to know where you came from to understand certain behaviors. I usually refer to this as generational sin (killing another tribe because we have always stolen and killed from that tribe) and it applies as aptly in America as elsewhere~generational sin of fornication, lying, cheating, adultery, all types of abuse~It is so important to find the root and dig it out!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the God work. and thanks for stopping by Life, Love, and Laughter.
Thank you. I'm overflowing with amazement that these have been read and I had no idea they had not been lost. NOW, if the Lord lays it on me, I'll take the courage again to share what I know spiritually... in darkness and LIGHT You just blessed me.
DeleteWhen I clicked over here to this dumpster-diving blog from a comment you made elsewhere, I was at first very excited to read your sidebar about your "thinking too much" and the kinds of things you think about, and about your writing. And your quotes there are stellar! I knew I had found a blogger worth reading... Then my heart fell as I noticed that you haven't blogged for two years - ack! But THEN I found to my great relief that you are still blogging on Roadrunner! Whew!
ReplyDeleteNow I might have the courage to post on this again. I quit b/c I knew many people would be angry at me for being so bluntly serious. NOW I may open the door. WOW!!!
DeleteAcknowledging the problem and doing both repentance and forgiveness will go a long way in breaking the powers of the enemy. Thank you for sharing this at "Tell Me a Story."
ReplyDeleteI have had a few times when I needed to use Spiritual Warfare. I use three things...As stated in Gods Word, 1/ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by 2/ the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
ReplyDeleteThe word of our testimony, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4...
Jesus always said, "It is written" before he quoted the Word of God, so I do this also.